Jonah Adkins

Cartography, OpenStreetMap, Open Data, Music, Disney, Sports Cards, Pro-Wrestling, and Ink.

The Geography of Illinoise

07 Nov 2012 » cartography, esri

Update July 17th, 2013

My Map Of Sufjan Stevens ‘Iliinois’ Album Took 2nd Place In The Most Unique Category At The 2013 Esri User Conference!!

November 7th, 2012

So, i initially had the idea for this when i first purchased the Illinois album way back in 2005. It’s not everyday geography and music collide. The Illinois album is probably one of my top 5 favorite albums ever. Oh, how i wish the 50 states project was a real thing. After pouring over countless websites, lyrics, pictures, i think i’ve incorporated nearly every geographic component off of the two albums. There were many different drafts of directions i could have gone with this map, but i eventually decided on this finished product. It’s available over at my imagekind gallery for purchase. Major Props and Thanks to Sufjan Stevens and Asthmatic Kitty Records.

Overall, this map took about 3 months of spare time on night and weekends. I used ArcMap 10.1 from start to finish.

This version is available at my imagekind shop.
